On January 5, in the town of Alviano, from the afternoon until late evening, according to a centuries-old custom, the "Cantori della Vecchiarella" go from house to house asking for alms for the souls in purgatory.
The traditional "Cantata della Vecchiarella", of very remote origins, was taken up by the folk group "La Vecchiarella" from Alviano. A group of singers who in traditional costume and accompanied by humble musical instruments carry from house to house, on the night before the Epiphany, the "Old Woman", who is not the Befana, but a man dressed as a woman, symbol of tradition, of mockery, of the transition from one period of the year to another.
The words of the song, an exhortation not to forget one's dead, recall ancient medieval Umbrian laudes such as the "Dialogue between the living and the dead" by Jacopone da Todi to the tune of a popular dirge. The Cantata describes the brevity of life and death to which we are all destined.